Resolved -
The queue is cleared and operations are back to normal. We are investigating additional alarms and infrastructure changes to prevent the issue in the future.
Feb 11, 20:30 UTC
Update -
The sync queue is at 60 sites and going down. Thank you for your patience.
Feb 11, 20:18 UTC
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented and we are continuing to monitor the results. We are working through impacted sites to ensure they are all recovered correctly.
Feb 11, 20:04 UTC
Identified -
We have discovered the issue and a fix is being implemented.
Feb 11, 19:59 UTC
Update -
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Feb 11, 19:53 UTC
Investigating -
We are currently investigating an issue where saves and Git syncs are not working.
Feb 11, 19:53 UTC